City’s first remote control airfield open to the public
Cole Beasley flies his RC glider last week at the remote control airfield in Broomfield. Beasley helped make the airfield a reality as part of his work toward the rank of Eagle Scout. (Mark Leffingwell / Staff Photographer)
CORRECTION: The airfiled is at the northwest corner of West 144th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard. The location was incorrect in the original posting of this story.
The wait is over — those who fly small, electric aircraft can spread their wings at Broomfield’s first-ever remote control airfield.
Boy Scout Cole Beasley was one of many who inquired whether Broomfield was home to a landing field. With more than a little pushing and prodding — he helped plan and execute its construction — Beasley brought it to fruition, bringing him closer to earning his Eagle Scout, the highest rank a scout can receive.
The airfield sits off the beaten path at West 144th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard, west of the 4H Archery Range.
The field is a temporary spot for flying small, remote- control planes, drones and other electric gliders; gas-powered aircraft are not allowed. It will be evaluated in a year to see if the use is compatible with the area for wildlife, residents and other programs. Future development also could cause the site to change uses.
The crusher fine landing field is about 10 feet wide and 45 feet long, and is necessary for aircraft with wheels, while other aircraft can land in the open space surrounding the pad.
It’s no coincidence the first merit badge Beasley, 14, proudly displayed on his Boy Scout uniform two years ago was in aviation — it’s been in his blood for years.
His father, Graham Beasley, is a private pilot and former aerospace engineer, and Cole Beasley will work toward gaining his full scale glider pilot’s license later this year. He also plans to get his private pilot’s license to become the fourth-generation in his family to do so.
“Cole’s always had an interest in flying. It’s always been a fascination,” said his mother, Janice Kinnin, a leader of local Boy Scout Troop 337.
Controlling an aircraft from hundreds of feet away intrigues Beasley, a freshman at Peak to Peak Charter School in Lafayette.
“Sometimes you’ll be soaring with other birds and a hawk will come by. It’s really cool to watch them,” flying side-by-side,” Beasley said.
Beasley began planning for the field in late December. He investigated the site and a planned 20-foot runway, which was expanded to 45 feet.
“It’s still relatively short, but I was out there and landed on it,” he said. “It’s a hard landing, but it counts.”
Broomfield asked him to help create the airfield late last year and Beasley said he began formulating a plan to build it with a team of scouts to earn his Eagle Scout rank. It was perfect timing, because an unofficial airfield in the open space near U.S. 36 and Cherryvale Road recently closed and his other option is the RC flying field at Boulder Reservoir, operated by the Boulder Aeromodeling Society, he said.
Beasley’s wish was to have a field close to home, and now it’s practically in his backyard.
About 23 Boy Scouts and a group of parents turned out to build the field in the spring, and knocked it out in about half a day.
Home Depot donated fencing supplies, while Broomfield excavated and leveled the area and also supplied the crusher fine, a soft trail material, for the field, for just under $1,000.
“It’s very inexpensive,” said Park Operations Supervisor Ryan Jensen.
Beasley learned to manage, budget and organize volunteers to make the project happen, getting him closer to becoming an Eagle Scout fairly early for his age; scouts have until their 18th birthday to complete their projects.
“It’s interesting to see how one person could make a difference,” he said.
Graham Beasley said it’s the life experiences his son is building through a variety of projects that is important, especially the impact he’s already made in his community. Cole Beasley has three more Eagle Scout merit badges to earn toward his goal — of the 21 required merit badges, 13 must be an Eagle merit.
“It’s the building of the life skills that’s important,” Graham Beasley said. “I was a Boy Scout, but I didn’t have a sash like that. I was more campfires and knives. Any program where young people can apply themselves is great.”
Broomfield municipal code does not allow people to fly hobby planes in community parks, and thanks to several calls to Parks, Recreation and Open Space employees, staff began searching for a location for the activity.
“It wasn’t a short process, it was quite long and had to have the blessings of a lot of other folks,” including City Council and the City Manager’s Office, said Recreation Director Nancy Harrold. “There were a lot of players to determine if this was a suitable activity.”
Harrold sent letters to residents along Lowell Boulevard, letting them know about the potential airfield and that the city would accept comments.
“I did not hear back from any of them and we decided we were ready to move forward,” she said.
Only one known family had other plans for the space, which postponed the airfield’s grand opening, Harrold said.
“A red-tailed hawk had happened to nest in one of the trees in the field. All activity in that area was postponed until (her babies) fledged,” she said.
The airfield was completed in May and was officially opened in mid-July after the hawks relocated.
Kimberli Turner: 303-410-2649,
Wanna fly?
The Broomfield Remote Control Airfield is at the northwest corner of West 144th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard, just west of the 4H Archery Range. It is open from 10 a.m. to dusk daily, unless the 4H Archery Range is in use. For a site map and rules, visit