Welcome to BSA Troop 337
We’re glad that you have decided to continue your scouting career with us! You are about to start a journey that will see you will shape the foundation on which the rest of your life will be built. It’s a foundation that revolves around service, leadership, and adventure, and it’s a foundation that focuses on character. We are proud to be on that journey with you, and we’re confident that we can help you build a solid foundation.
Troop meetings are held on the first, second, and fourth Tuesdays of the month at the Broomfield United Methodist Church (BUMC). The church is located at the northwest corner of Daphne Street and Eagle Way, just west of Broomfield High School. On the third Tuesday, the Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) meets to plan troop activities and make decisions as to how the troop is run. Should there be a fifth Tuesday in a given month, an activity night will most likely be planned. Activities may be at a site away from BUMC and could be strictly a “fun” outing.
The troop guide assigned to your patrol will be a close friend and your chief instructor for your first year in Scouting. He will attend your patrol meetings and outings, helping in any way he can. Think of him as a “big brother.” Don’t be afraid to ask him questions about anything scouting related.
Within the New Scout Patrol, the position of patrol leader will rotate monthly until each of you has had the chance to be the leader. You will then elect one member of your patrol to be your patrol leader for the remainder of the year.
It is important to attend our meetings and outings! Think of your new patrol as a team. The meetings are its “practices” and the outings are the “games.” When a team member is missing, the rest of the team needs to work harder to pick up the slack.
We camp! Rain or shine, cold or hot, you will experience all of the things our great outdoors has to offer. Equipment guides and packing lists are included in your handbook. Our basic brand of camping falls into the glorified car-camping genre, so don’t spend a bunch of money on a backpack just yet. Instead, ask your troop guide for advice on purchasing a tote to transport your gear to our campouts.
Troop 337’s New Scout Program has many activities scheduled that will keep your patrol busy right up to the time we go to summer camp in June. After that, your patrol is encouraged to plan some of its own activities. These could be hikes, campouts, field trips, movies, or rank advancement activities. Patrol activities need to have two adult Scout Leaders present. Also, your patrol activities should not conflict with activities planned for the entire troop.
The Boy Scout Handbook is the most important piece of equipment that you will need as you start your Scouting experience. If you don’t already have a copy, get one right away. It is the place to keep the “official” record of your achievements toward the different ranks in Scouting including your camping and service activities. The number of nights you camp, under the stars or in a tent, count toward rank advancements and other Scouting awards. PUT YOUR NAME IN YOUR HANDBOOK, then bring it to all Scout meetings and rank advancement activities.
Don’t be shy about asking for help from your troop guide or other Scouts in the troop. If they can’t help, there will always be an assistant Scoutmaster-assigned as an advisor to your patrol. He coaches the troop guide, works with your parents, and is there to help you.