The Fishing Skit
A patrol of scouts is fishing and having no luck. They see another scout fishing a few feet away and he keeps catching fish one after another.
Scout 1, to his patrol: Are any of you guys having any luck?
Scout 2: Nope, none at all.
Scout 3: This spot just isn’t any good.
Scout 4: What about that guy over there? [points to other scout, everyone looks over]
Scout 5: I wonder why he’s having so much luck. I’m going to go ask him. [walks over to other scout] Hey buddy, we’ve been fishing all day and we haven’t caught anything! What’s your secret?
Scout 6: [mumble with mouth closed]
Scout 4: What did you say?
Scout 6: [mumble with mouth closed]
Scout 4: Come on, buddy! You can tell me! [slaps him on the back]
Scout 6: [swallows hard] I said – you have to keep the worms warm!