Troop 337 Historian Report – December 2024

Troop 337 Historian Report – December 2024

December 3rd Troop Meeting – Court of Honor

We held our quarterly Court of Honor where we recognized rank advancements and merit badge achievements. We also had a very special ceremony where Mr. Hassman and Mr. Markham received the very prestigious Wood Badge award. The Troop also held a special Eagle Court of Honor for Joe Lucas. The evening was a lot of fun and we had a chance to socialize and celebrate afterwards.

December 7th – Valley District Merit Badge College

Front Range Community College

Several scouts from our troop attended a merit badge collage where we could earn new badges and finish ones that were in progress. A lot of our adult leaders also taught and volunteered that day.


December 10th – Troop Meeting

Scouts attending the December campout worked on meal planning. Scouts also played the “Pipe Cleaner Game”, where they were trying to build the highest tower out of pipe cleaners.

December 13th – 15th – December Campout & Shooting Event

Cherry Creek State Park

This weekend several scouts were able to participate in the final campout of the year at Cherry Creek State Park. The weather was very nice for December, and an extra bonus was that the scouts got a chance to participate in shooting sports.


December 14th – Wreaths Across America Service Project

Broomfield County Commons Cemetery

One of the most meaningful service projects our Troop does is the Wreaths across America day. We laid wreaths on the graves of Broomfield veterans from all branches of the military and honored their service. It was a very important ceremony. A very special thanks to Mrs. Morrell for transporting several scouts from the campout to our service project.


Submitted by Eli Hassman
Troop Historian
December 31, 2024