T337 Historian Report – November 2024

1 – 3 November 1st – 3rd – Troop “Thankful” Campout

Camp Lake Tumblesom (aka Tahosa)

This month, we were super excited to have our annual Thankful Campout at Camp Lake Tumblesom! Parents and siblings were invited to join us for the dinner celebration on Saturday at 5:00 PM. After dinner, we gathered around the campfire. The leaders were deep-frying turkeys, and the patrols were preparing the sides. We loved having the parents bring some desserts to share.

Camping Team

5 Troop Meeting.

 At this troop meeting, we participated in a safety jeopardy game, a stretcher race relay and a prayer. No scouts were dropped in the process of the stretcher race, and we learned all sorts of valuable information in the safety jeopardy game.

12 Troop Meeting.

We participated in a really fun activity at this last troop meeting! It was an egg drop challenge: During the egg drop challenge, each Scout group had 1 egg and surrounded it with materials and dropped it from a high place to see if it would crack open.

Submitted by Eli Hassman
Troop Historian
November 30, 2024