Our Story
My second-best day !!!
From Vincent Secor to the families of Troop 337 ... My scouting family, There’s a saying among Scoutmasters: Your best day as Scoutmaster is your first day, your second-best is your final day as Scoutmaster. For the last 1,295 days I have given everything I have to being the [...]
Broomfield Rotary, Santa Cops will give out 73 bikes this Christmas
For 20 years, Broomfield police officers and staff members of the Broomfield Police Department have provided gifts of games, toys, and clothing to an ever-expanding number of needy children. With the current economic climate, the number of families facing financial limitations has grown. While performing their regular duties, police [...]
Two earn Eagle Scout rank
Garrett Cross and Sean Miller have earned their Eagle rank with Boy Scout Troop 337. During his Court of Honor, Cross, 17, received high praise from scout leaders and fellow scouts for his dedication to scouting and for setting a superb example for younger scouts. For his Eagle project, [...]
Edgy Decision
Scouts and parents, please read the following about the BSA guidelines for knives as Mr. Secor and the ASM's will enforce these regulations. In an edgy decision, the BSA sets limit on knife-blade length Knives. They may be the source of the most confusion within Scouting circles. I’ve heard people tell me sheath [...]
Ploeger: Boy Scout shows his love for Broomfield
https://youtu.be/nQeARgnnOXM VIDEO MAKER, PROUD BROOMFIELD RESIDENT: Boy Scout Kyle Robinson created a YouTube video outlining why he loves living in Broomfield to earn his Citizenship in the Community merit badge. The video has delighted a number of people. (Photo courtesy of Stacy Robinson) The You Tube [...]
Two local Scouts earn Eagle rank
Local Boy Scouts Robert Lehman and Dylan Metz achieved the rank of Eagle Scout at a Court of Honor Ceremony on Sunday. At the ceremony, Broomfield Mayor Pat Quinn said it best, "Thank you, young men, you do Broomfield proud." Lehman, 18, has been involved with Scouting most of [...]